A. Categories of membership
Membership categories are as follows:
(i) Ordinary membership
(ii) Student membership
(iii) Honorary membership
(iv) Corporate membership
1. Ordinary membership
(i) Ordinary membership is open to those engaged in research and teaching of horticultural science(s), or production of horticultural crops or any other activities involving horticulture.
(ii) Ordinary membership is obtained by applying to the Secretary, on a prescribed form, and is subject to approval by the Executive Committee or any other sub-Committee that may be established for this purpose.
(iii) Ordinary members have rights to vote and can be elected office bearers of the Association.
2. Student membership
(i) Student membership is open to students enrolled in national universities and institutions of higher learning, awarding degrees, diplomas and certificates in horticulture or related sciences.
(ii) Student membership is obtained by an application to the Secretary on prescribed forms subject to the approval by the Executive Committee.
(iii) Student members have no right to vote and can not be elected office bearers of the Association.
3. Honorary membership
(i) Honorary membership is open to individuals who have made extra-ordinary contributions towards the achievement or furtherance of the goals and objectives of the Association.
(ii) The Executive Committee or any other sub-Committee that may be established for this purpose, and presented for election at a subsequent ordinary Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association shall nominate candidates for honorary membership.
(iii) Honorary members have no voting right and can not be elected office bearers of the Association.
4. Corporate membership
(i) Corporate membership is open to societies or organizations and institutions whose goals and objectives are closely related to any aspect of horticulture.
(ii) Corporate membership is obtained by application to the Secretary on prescribed forms and subsequent approval by the Executive Committee or any other sub-Committee, which may be established for this purpose.
(iii) Corporate members have neither voting rights vote and can not be elected office bearers of the Association.
B. Membership Fees
Contact the Sectrary for current membership fees hakenya2019@gmail.com.
C. Termination of Membership
(i) Any member desiring to resign from the Association shall submit his or her resignation to the Secretary, which shall take effect from the date of receipt by the Secretary of such notice.
(ii) Any member may be expelled from the Association if the Executive Committee so recommends and this decision must be ratified by an AGM of the Association and shall be resolved by a two-thirds majority of the members present. Expulsion should be on the grounds that the member’s conduct has adversely affected the reputation or dignity of the Association or has contravened any of the provisions of the constitution of the Association. The Executive Committee shall have the powers to suspend a member from the Association until the next AGM following such suspension. Not withstanding such suspension a member whose expulsion is proposed shall have the right to address the AGM at which his/her expulsion is to be considered.
(iii) Any person who resigns or is expelled shall not be entitled to a refund of his/her subscription or any part thereof or any monies contributed by him/her at any time.
(iv) Any member who falls into arrears with his/her annual subscription for more than 3 years shall automatically cease to be a member of the Association and his/her name shall be struck off the register. The Executive Committee may, however, at its discretion, reinstate such a member on payment of the total amount of subscription outstanding.